With the unstable economic situation in the world right now, nursing is one stable job that makes the cut. Nursing is not just a doctor assistant or simply handling counter-related matters. There is so much more that you can achieve in nursing. In the health force, it is reported that the nursing field is expecting a shortage in the future since many people think becoming a doctor is much better. Not going to lie, between a doctor and a nurse, there are so many differences. However, let’s focus on the nursing field today.
Financial Aid
Funding for a diploma program might be burdening for some people. Nevertheless, most universities or institutions that provide nursing programmes will provide financial aid more or less for qualified students. There are also scholarships offered by the government or non-government organizations to support your education. As the goal is to increase the number of the nurse in the health force, financial aids are not that hard to achieve for the student. However, the requirement for financial aid may differ according to the institution and organisation.

Job Opportunity
All institution that offers nursing programme often is collaborating with nearby hospitals or are connected to government hospitals or even have their own hospital for their student to work at after graduation. Especially for those who receive financial aid, some requirement is to work with the related institution after graduation. No need to worry about your job after graduation. If you don’t want to move places and work somewhere far, the nursing job is still one of demanding jobs in the market.
High of Morality
Becoming a nurse is one of the noblest jobs in the world. You will be helping a lot of patients in becoming better and overcome their sicknesses. As a nurse, you will be able to meet a lot of different people and even learn from them to be better people. Nurses also often give consultation upon the patient’s diagnosis. With a healing smile, nurses provide hope to the patient that they can be better and healthier. Some long-term patients make a bond with their nurses and this is one of the ways for you to improve your social skills and empathise with someone else.
Widad University College

Widad University College is by far the best university for nursing programmes. With excellent scholars as teachers, all the students are receiving the best education from the best. Upon enrolling, all students are provided with uniforms, nursing kits, accommodation and transportation. This is all included in the tuition fees, no need to pay extra. Widad University College also provides financial aid as stated before. So no need to worry about paying your tuition fee.
Widad University College is attached to the Ministry of Health Malaysia so you don’t have to worry about your industrial training as they will make sure your placement is available. Clinical practices are approved by the Ministry as well, accrediting them as one of the top nursing universities in Malaysia. This also opens up graduate job opportunities not just locally but also globally.