3 Ways To Secure Your Internet

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The advancement of technology has brought us uncountable benefits. The internet for one, is a product of innovation and progress. It has allowed us to connect with people from all over the world. The internet is an essential element of society that makes the world go round. Almost every industry relies on the internet to work, or run.

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Now, let’s move on to more personal ways the internet has affected us. The internet provides the means to make online fund transactions, interact with our families from another region and facilitate the latest news and discussion. Other than that, it has allowed us to stream multiple movies, live streams, and videos. These are the few benefits that bring us joy despite our long and exhausting days. 

However, everything has its ups and downs. In terms of the internet, it poses a risk for hackers to obtain our personal and sensitive details of our lives. These hackers are experts in the technological field, so they have an upper hand in dealing with the ins and outs of the internet. 

So, how do we avoid these hackers from invading our networks. Here are a few ways that you can follow to secure the internet in your home.

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Insert strong passwords

After your internet has been installed in your home, the first thing you need to do is insert a strong password. Strong passwords are able to ensure that your network is password protected. The network will not be able to be hacked easily when the password is complex and unpredictable. 

Avoid using passwords you have used before. Avoid using personal information as passwords such as birthdays, anniversary dates and other significant dates in your life that can be easily figured out. Instead, ensure the password contains 16 at least sixteen characters, and includes numbers, special characters and upper and lower case letters. 

Use a VPN

Another way to secure that your connection is secure is by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPNs main purpose is to hide your browsing data from hackers or companies. There are certain companies, and websites that track your browsing data and use that to target advertisements based on the collected data. Have you ever wondered how an advertisement of an item turns up out of nowhere, right after you searched for said item minutes ago? Well, they track your data. So, to ensure that your private data isn’t leaked, use VPN.

Change router and network names

Other than passwords, another thing you can change is router and network names. When your router is installed, you can change the names of these two parts of the internet. The routers usually come with generic names that will easily be picked up on by hackers. If they are able to latch onto your internet service before you change it, it might become a problem. Ensure the router and network names are vague. 

If you are interested in changing your internet service provider to a more secure alternative, check out tm unifi now.

The Benefits Of Fast Internet Speed

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The advancement of technology often surprises everyone. It continues to advance at such an exponential rate, that sometimes you fail to keep up with the latest gadget or invention. All of these inventions have the ability to connect to the internet. 

On the other hand, the internet is also another advancement that has been beneficial to human beings. An invisible connection that brings people together, no matter the time or place. It is something that has pushed society into a new age of progress and development. 

Having fast internet is essential to everyone’s daily lives. Whether you are working from home, learning from home or just watching shows, all of these activities require a strong internet connection. Other activities that need internet connection include, surfing the web, ordering food and booking flight tickets.The productivity of your day now depends on how fast your internet connection is. 

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Hence, it is essential to obtain a fast and strong internet connection. There are several benefits to having fast internet speed. 

Benefit 1: Easy media sharing 

During our free time, we tend to go on social media platforms to relax and unwind. We have accounts on these platforms where we post images or videos of our lives for others to see. We also share links and send out messages to people in our social groups. All these activities need internet connection. 

Let’s imagine that you just came back from a long day of work and intend to unwind by scrolling through Twitter and Instagram. However, your internet connection is sluggish and soon it frustrates you. Therefore, it is important that you have access to a fast and reliable internet connection. Jom Apply provides Time fibre 100mbps for home broadband in Malaysia. Choosing the right internet service provider is essential to having a reliable, stable and strong internet connection. 

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Benefit 2: Facilitates Remote Work

Nowadays, remote work is just another term for work from home. Since the pandemic, most workers are forced to put up with the new protocols and implementations. So, to avoid the virus from spreading, and to reduce the risk of an exponential increase of cases, people were advised to work from home. 

However, remote work also includes working from a setting other than your office. For instance, some employees work from a business trip, vacation or while they are travelling. Fast internet connection makes working from home convenient in many ways.

Workers can update their employers on the progress of their work. Employers can update their workers on any new assigned task. All this without meeting face to face. However, if that is needed, they usually conduct a virtual meeting. These meetings are conducted online and require good audio and video broadcast to ensure the video call goes smoothly. So, a strong internet connection can cater to these needs, and also allow you to use multiple devices simultaneously. 

Therefore, having a strong internet connection is important in carrying out the tasks we have daily. Choosing the right internet service provider, the right type of internet plan are all factors in ensuring that you have access to a strong connection.