What are the essential mother care resources and services available in Malaysia?
Malaysia provides a range of essential mother care resources and services to help expecting mothers have a safe, healthy pregnancy and get the support they need during their post-birth period. These include:
• Pre-Natal Care: Women in Malaysia are entitled to free pre-natal checkups and screenings, including ultrasound scans, blood tests, and physical examinations. These can help detect any health problems, identify possible complications and monitor the baby’s development.
• Maternity Leave: Expecting mothers in Malaysia can take up to 26 weeks of maternity leave when they give birth, with an additional six weeks available if they are breastfeeding.
• Postnatal Care: Women in Malaysia are entitled to free postnatal care for the first six weeks after giving birth. This includes examinations, vaccinations, and advice about breastfeeding and caring for the baby.
• Parenting Classes: Expectant parents can attend parenting classes, which provide them with essential knowledge on basic child care such as nutrition, safety, and immunizations.

Who provides these resources and services for mothers in Malaysia?
The Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development is responsible for providing many of the essential mother care resources and services in Malaysia. They provide information on a range of topics, such as prenatal care and parenting classes.
Other government agencies like the Department of Social Welfare also offer support services to mothers, including counseling and financial assistance. Non-governmental organizations, like the Malaysian Mother’s Support Group and the Malaysian Paediatric Association, also offer support to mothers in various ways, such as providing advice on parenting and organizing events.
Private hospitals and clinics are responsible for offering pre-natal care and postnatal services, while some private companies may also offer maternity leave, childcare services, and other benefits for pregnant employees.
Why is it important to have access to quality mother care resources and support services in Malaysia?
Parents can access mother care resources and services from a variety of locations in Malaysia. These include hospitals, clinics, government agencies, private companies, and non-governmental organizations. It is important for parents to seek out these parenting support systems as soon as possible during their pregnancy or after giving birth. This will ensure they have all the information and resources available to them when they need them.
Having access to quality mother care malaysia resources and support services in Malaysia is essential for all parents, as it gives them the right tools and advice needed to become successful, confident parents. It also helps ensure that newborns are healthy and well taken care of during their first months of life.