Social media companies are everywhere these days and we should be aware about how they affect our life. The creation of social media has changed the way we live and how we share information. If you’re interested in social media and how they work, here are some social media companies you should know about. Learn more on social media companies Malaysia as it allows us as consumers to have more knowledge on what each social media company have to offer. Among the social media companies are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and many others such as Tumblr.

First of all is Facebook. Known to be the biggest platform of all social media companies, Facebook has got its reputation ahead of every other company. The engineering of Facebook was truly ahead of its time and it created a buzz for social media. It changed how we connected with people and what information we shared with our friends. Facebook pioneered posting and became well-known for its posting and sharing. Information became widespread in this era as well. Facebook ran by it’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg became one of the biggest social media companies within a short while and it garnered over a billion users by 2016 which is a seventh of the world population. Facebook’s like, comment and share system also gained a cult following which is still used in every other social media platform till today.
Next is Twitter. Twitter is a very different social media platform compared to Facebook. Facebook allows for individuals to write and insert photos without a limit whereas Twitter has a profound limit of up to 1000 characters for each post. Though this might seem like a pinch for most people, twitter sees this as an advantage and allows for individuals to thread their posts so it’s always joined even though it’s not in one post. Twitter is also famous for it’s short bursts of news that media companies use to get out. Media Companies use twitter to get out breaking news so that it’s audience are aware of what’s happening soon.1
After being bought out by Facebook, Instagram came out to be a league of its own and beating its predecessor. Instagram created by Kevin Systrom, sold to its competitor in 2012 and was bought out by Zuckerberg. The app was steadily gaining popularity but being bought out by Facebook allowed for the app to gain even more recognition and made the app famous in short. Instagram changed how social media was used. Instagram was a picture or visual focused social media platform. Photographers, models and artists used the platform as their way of expressing their art and shared their drawings. This allowed for many others to make use of the app. After Instagram took Snapchat’s filters and made it their own, they skyrocketed further and even allowed for users to create their own filters. Their marketing strategy worked and now their app is still standing strong.
The way we use social media should never determine how we lead our life although it’s a big part of our life. Social media companies should prioritise their users and make sure their needs are followed through. We, as users too, should communicate with companies, to ensure that both parties have followed through on terms and conditions so that it’s mutually consensual and safer in the long run.
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