The uses of polycarboxylate in the chemical industry are many, and most people are completely unaware of them. However, this is a product that will be around for a long time, and it’s always good to be aware of the industry’s latest finds. Polycarboxylate Malaysia has been around for some time, but it was not until the 1990s that a pharmaceutical manufacturer began utilizing the polymer as a major ingredient in their drugs. Now, it’s only a matter of time before other major health organizations begin using it in preparation for medical breakthroughs like Alzheimer’s, cancer, and multiple sclerosis.
A few years ago, a company from the United Kingdom discovered that they could design a unique liposome that could be inserted into a human cell and that allowed researchers to “nest” a molecule within it. This is the kind of innovation that can help scientists design a cure-all for all kinds of diseases, and it is now within the reach of a very innovative pharmaceutical company in the United States.

The liposome is a series of carbon atoms that are attached in a certain order to allow the desired molecule to Nestle into it. The most preferred embodiment of the polycarboxylate ether is a liposome that has eight carbon atoms that are in the shape of a cylinder with two arms sticking out at the top and bottom. When the arm on top is put into place, the two arms on the bottom will push the desired molecule inside the cylinder, and when the arm at the bottom is put into place, the desired molecule will be pushed out of the cylinder.
To see how this would work, imagine that the polycarboxylate ether is a gel that you are putting into your mouth. One side-chain attaches to the top of the main chain, another attaches to the bottom, and a third attaches to a liposome capsule that is located at the top of the stomach. When the capsule is in place, the stomach acids will push the fats and oils from the inside of the stomach into the gel, and this will then go into the oesophagus where another set of acid stomach acids push the fats and oils out of that area. When the gel reaches the mouth, you can eat anything that you want without worrying about the polycarboxylate being broken down by the stomach acids.
Another great feature of the polycarboxylate ether is that it is an ideal building block for mimicking the structure of the actual DNA molecules. It is this versatility that has allowed it to be used in DNA cloning experiments. In these attempts, scientists have been able to clone the DNA of living animals, plants and even cells from other sources.
Polycarboxylate is also known to be a potent inhibitor of the mutagenic activity of the herpes simplex virus. It has even been found to be very effective in inhibiting the formation of amyloids, which are long, sticky sequences of sugar that tend to build up inside the cell’s cytoplasm. Another great feature of polycarboxylate is that its molecular weight is the same as the molecular weight of another organic compound called purine. This makes it very potent in controlling the production of uric acid by preventing it from interacting with the amino acid uric acid.